Swim a mile with a smile..... :)

Today the annual Swim a mile with a smile took place in the NAC. All of the transition years and the LCVP class went along to the NAC to take part.

We left school around 9.05 and made our way to the national aquatic centre. Once we had arrived Mr. Daly came to talk to us about the swim and he also talked to us about some rules for the pool. After that we were told that the slides would be open for us after we swam our mile. Once we had all got changed we headed out to the pool and we were told what lanes we were going got be swimming in.

Some people wanted to swim the mile by themselves so they all went in to a lane by themselves. Then the rest of the people were told what lanes they were in and we all got started. I wanted it to swim the mile on my own but I didnt think I was going to be able to so me and Kellie swam as a team and Louise counted for us. after about half an hour we joined up with Zoe and and Fiona then we swam as a team of four. Then Lauren was counting for us. I was really confused at this point and I just kept swimming u ntil I was told to stop.

Once we had all finished our 64 lengths of the pool. we got a t-shirt and then we got photos taken in the groups that we swam in. after everybody had finished and we had got a group photo we were allowed to go on the water slides for a little while. I just stayed at the bottom and waited for everybody. I didnt go o n them because I dont really like water slides very much but it was fun all the same.

after we all got changed we headed over to the shopping center to get lunch. we had an hour and a half there top do what we wanted before we headed home. it was a great day out and everybody really enjoyed them selves and it was all for a good cause too. Well done to everybody who swam the mile by them selves its a great achievement and to everybody who swam in groups too. It was a great way to finish for the two weeks easter holidays.... :)


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