An unexpected week
Last week I went back to work and to say I
was scared would be an understatement! On Sunday night I prepared myself as
much as I could for what I anticipated to be one of the worst weeks I would
experience in work.
I expected to be riddled with anxiety to
the point where I wouldn’t be able to go to work- I was not.
I expected to feel pure panic as I drove to
work each day, bordering on a full-blown panic attack- I did not.
I expected to cry, each day over something minor, something small, something that wouldn’t have mattered- I did not.
I expected to cry, each day over something minor, something small, something that wouldn’t have mattered- I did not.
I expected to obsess over everything; put
more rituals in place to ensure everything was perfect-I did not.
I expected to hide the fact that I had been
in hospital for my mental health, I expected to allow the shame I was feeling
to take control, I expected to shy away from my colleagues during the week, I
expected to fight this battle on my own, but I did not.
It was a hard week in many ways, it was the
first week back, I was scared of judgments, I was scared people would be
cautious, I was scared that an element of trust may have been lost, and while
some of these fears were justified, some were not, all of them did not become
I was welcomed back to work, I felt
supported by my colleagues, I felt like I belonged and I felt like I didn’t
have to hide. I have put so much pressure on myself to be perfect in work, to
not let anybody see that I’m struggling, I wanted to hide it all and fight it
all on my own but that wasn’t possible, that contributed to me having to go
into hospital.
Nobody needs to know the ins and outs of my
struggles, but letting people know a minimum, letting them know I have mental
health issues is enough to get the support I need. Not only does it allow me to
get the support I need, it allows me to not feel so fake, it allows me to feel
like me, it allows me to feel human.
The week was hard and I was overwhelmed at
times but I survived. I had a couple of rough days where I thought to myself “
I really don’t want to go to work” and for me they were extremely difficult
thoughts to experience but the reality is I was overwhelmed and that was ok. I
have been in a constant state of overwhelm for a long time now but its
beginning to lessen. While the thoughts, feelings and emotions continue to make
me feel like I’m on a never ending rollercoaster I feel like I’m emerging from
a crisis, I feel like I can ensure my safety, and I feel like I have an element
of control over my emotions.
Its been rough, as I write this my mind is
racing challenging everything, adding new pressures that I don’t need but for
now I have to accept that is how my mind works. Ill obsess over little things,
I will feel intense anxiety, I will have days where I will cry endlessly, feel
anxious and overwhelmed but that’s ok, I have to accept that and ride the
storm. Will I feel the same about this tomorrow, probably not but that’s
important because it allows me to value the time when I can feel positive about