How clean are your hands?

For your science project the group that I am works in our doing our project to show people the importance of washing their hands. We did not to get accepted into the young scientists but now it is time to enter into sci-fest. We have been doing some more work on our project so that we can make it better for sci-fest. We have also started to do some more work on our folder for our project. Everything for this project seems to be going well and I hope that it keeps going well.

So far we have done a lot of work but there is still more to be done. We are going to take swabs of different things that people always touch in the science lab an then let the bacteria and germs grow on the agar and we will look at our results. We were also told today that we would have to make a presentation to show the rest of the year in April. Everybody will be making a presentation to all of the T.Y's. they don’t have to be very long.


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