
Lately I have been struggling a lot with things that are going  on in my own life and well I began to think that there was no hope left for me and that I have no future to look forward to and I was really pretty down and I really didn't know what to do with my self and then out of no where I saw that my family do care about me and they are the people that are going to get me through all of the hard times. I now know that no matter how many fights we have or how many times I annoy them they are always going to be there for me no matter what!

The other day my brother sent me a message on facebook and well I think that was what I really need to help me to get my head straight and think about getting back on track and it has it has done a lot for me. To be honest if it wasn't for hm I would have just have gone the way that I have been going and not even stopped to think about things. It made my whole view on things change and I decided that it was time to be honest with the doctors and the nurses and begin to let them help me get back on track. I also decided that it was time to start and rebuild the trust I have lost with my family and this time I am going to try my best to get better sand to get out of this hospital as soon as I can. It might have taken me three months in here to realise but I am glad that I finally have realise and now I know that it is never to later to talk to people and it is never to late to realise things!

My brother sent me this song and told me to listen to it and I did and it made me feel a bit better in myself.It is time for things to start to change for me because I know that I can do it and if you are going through a hard time you can get through it to. You are strong and you are not made to break like my brother said. So if you are going through a hard time reach out to people and let them help you don't turn them away like I did. Let them help you. You might not think it now but they will help you and things will get better. It might take some time but it can and it will happen you just have to have faith in yourself and dig down deep to find the strength that you have inside you and use it to get back on track.

Things will get better you just have to give it some time. I have given things time and they are starting to get better so just take your time. Things always work out in the end. Yeah it will be hard and it might be long but it might be short but if you just focus you can do anything. Believe in yourself and anything is possible. " Nothing is impossible even the word its self says I'm Possible" I know that it can be hard believe me I have been through hard times but the most important thing is let the people who want to help you help you. It is the only way. You cant do this on your own and you don't have to. Speak out and let people know what is going on. Don't be ashamed to speak out and ask for help. We all need help at times so don't be scared things will get better!

Thanks to my brother, my best friend Paul I have started to think about things. I dont know what I would do without my family they mean everything to me.


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