Getting back on the horse

Back in July I choose to take a much-needed break from blogging. It was a break I needed in order to help reduce the pressure I was feeling and to give me a chance to begin to feel like I wanted to blog and allow me to find enjoyment in my blogging once more. It has been a ling two months without my blog but it was a much-needed break. I have struggled during the past two months and I am back receiving treatment for my BPD so my break from blogging has allowed me to focus more on myself.

As I find myself trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do in life I cannot help but describe myself as a blogger and find a desire within me to write and who knows one day it may become my career. I have decided that it is time to get back on the horse but I want my blog not to be written with the sole purpose of helping and supporting others but also as a means of helping and supporting me.

I have removed all pressure I once felt in regards to my writing. The desire to remain at the top and win awards has diminished reducing the standard I feel I must keep my blog at. I know I have a standard to maintain but I no longer want to feel pressured into maintain that standard. I want to write regularly but I don’t want it to become a chore so I will write when I feel like it rather than making a specific commitment.

Right not I feel like my life is picking up speed, with work, hobbies and of course treatment for my BPD I know I may struggle to find time to fit in blogging everyday which is part of the reason I am writing this post. I want to get back to writing but I want to do so because I need it in my life, because I want to enjoy it and because it is part of who I am and I know with that comes responsibility and so I will ensure I write clearly and well but I will also ensure I write appropriately, something which I have felt I have also intended on doing.

My blog has grown from strength to strength in the past six years and I want to see it continue to grow which is why I needed a break, it is why I recognised that writing under such pressure was impacting my blog. Now I am taking on a much different approach, a relaxed approach and one, which will enable me to enjoy what I am doing. I am committed to writing but for writing for pleasure and enjoyment, which is why I have decided it is time, I get back to doing what I love. I cannot commit to a set number of posts each week but I can commit to trying and giving my writing 100%. Over the next number of weeks I will be revaluating my blog and maybe redesigning but what I am sure I will be doing is letting my passion for writing shine through my blog.


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