The Samaritans

If you need someone to talk to or are in a crisis and worried about your safety there is always someone out there to listen and give you a helping hand. The Samaritans is an organisation which offers support for people who need someone to listen to them. There is no typical problem that people talk to the Samaritans about so you can talk to them about anything that is making you feel bad or anything that is putting you down.

As I was reading through the Samaritans website in religion class one day something came up a number of times and I guess it is important for me to emphasise this as well. In a number of places on the Samaritans website they inform the public that you do not have to be feeling suicidal to give them a call and have a chat. Only one in five of the people who contact the Samaritans are suicidal so if you’re not suicidal but feeling bad and low you can still call them and have a chat about what’s getting you down.

I would recommend seeking help if you are feeling down. When I first began to feel low and I began to self-harm I kept it all to myself and I regretted that. Looking back on  my experience with ill mental health I now know that if I had spoken out and looked for help when I first began to feel low I would have saved my friends, family and people around me a lot of pain. I wouldn’t have gone through as much pain and suffering myself. It is much better to get help at the beginning, letting things build up just make things worse. So if you are reading this and you are feeling low take a few minutes and contact the Samaritans in any of the following ways:

  • 08457 90 90 90 (UK)
  • 1850 60 90 90 (ROI)


PO Box 9090


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