If you are a person who is struggling with self-harm and you feel that you are ready to face it head on and want help a great place to go for help is Pieta House. "Pieta House, set up in 2006, was the first centre in Ireland that specialised in the prevention of self-harm and suicide. Pieta is an alternative way of helping people in crisis, but it is also a way that encourages collaboration with hospitals and doctors. Before Pieta, people who were suicidal would often end up either in hospital, in a psychiatric unit or heavily medicated - sometimes all three. In many cases, patients were put on 'suicide watch', a procedure that involves the patient being watched by a nurse or carer every moment of every day - even while having showers or using the toilet. In some cases, this was the only way to guarantee the patient's safety - there was no alternative, and whether we liked the practice or not, lives were saved. However, we were convinced that there had ...