SH doesnt have to be a secret.

When I first started to self-harm I didn’t tell anybody and take this from someone who knows that keeping it to yourself is not a good idea believe me. You might feel scared, nervous ,ashamed and so many other feelings and emotions when you start to think about  telling someone but once you do tell someone you may begin to feel a lot better…. I know I did. Not having to keep it this huge big secret anymore was a huge relief and it was a giant weight taken off my shoulders. Letting someone know can make a huge difference to your life…. You might not think it now but I sure know that if I hadn’t told someone I would not be here writing this post right now today because I would be too busy self-harming.

You might feel that your parents will me mad, disappointed but sometimes you can actually be surprised about how your parents react to things like this. I know that I was surprised by my dad’s reaction when he found out that I was self-harming. Now that he knows I am getting the help that I need and I know that everything that he is doing for me he is doing it so that I can get better.

If you want to tell a parent or a guardian and you don’t know how you could always write a letter or send an email or something like that. You could also tell someone close to you that you trust that can help you get over yourself harming but who can also help you tell your parent or guardian. You don’t have to keep this to yourself you really don’t. It is ok to tell someone and too look for help it really is. You might think that you do not deserve help but you do! 

Its ok to tell people and things can get better if you do, you don’t need to do this yourself so don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Stay strong and things will get better.


step one talk to someone and for the someone step one is listen good on you

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