Social Development Day.

T.Y.'s going great so far, everybodys starting to make new friends and everybody is getting on well with each other. All ready we have done lots of fun things in class and outside of class. On Monday the 5th of September we had social development day which was a very worthwhile day. This day was spent in the library getting to know our fellow classmates and ourselves a little more. This was a great day and helped everybody to get to know each other better. Our next activity was going to Carlingford Co. Louth on the 13th and 14th of September. This was a two day trip that was aimed at developing team building and good communication.

Yesterday all the T.Ys got their junior cert result. All the teachers were really nice to us and gave us an easy day where we did not have to do too much work. We started to watch the green mile in Spanish class and it seemed like a good film but we didn’t get too far into the film before the bell went for break. We also started to learn to Play tag rugby in PE we have been told by the PE teachers that we are going to be learning how to play tag rugby for a few weeks during our double PE classes. It was very fun learning a new sport during PE. Next Monday the T.Y. classes are going to the Moate theatre in Naas for a workshop to help us in learning how to set up our mini company. It should be a good day looking forward to it.... J
Siobhán B....   Amina... J

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