
Showing posts from November, 2011

The dentist!

Do you like going to the dentist? Because i know that I hate going to the dentist.... i am terrified of going to the dentist ever since i was in second year when something went wrong and I ended up being in a huge amount of pain! Yeah so i don’t like going to the dentist... i get nervous anxious and restless when I have to go and when i have to sit in the chair i get even worse and i guess it doesn’t help that I have to get an operation to fix my jaw which means more time spent going to the dentist!!!!!!!!! But it’s not all that bad i guess... it’s really just the tools and the moulds and well the biggest part that I hate is the DRILL!!!!!!!!! Even the sound of it sends shivers down my spine i hate it so much and i never want it near my mouth ever again!!!!!!!!! How do you feel about going to the dentist? Are you like me a nervous wreck or is it just another one of those things that you just do and don’t even think about it? Whats your biggest fear? ...

Weird things we find out about ourselves :)

Well today.. So much to talk about. Hahahaha not really. Anyway, Kellie, Noel and I on the way home from rehearsals were showing weird things we can do with our hands and stuff, Noel can bend his thumb in weird ways (kind of gross, but cool at the same time :) ) , I can bend my fingers back really far my hand looks like an L  (looks pretty weird) and Kellie with her elbows and how they look when the inside of your arm is pointing out (if that makes any sense!). Just a random thing that came up when we were dropping Noel off at the train station after rehearsals today. Unlike last time we had the weirdest conversation. At least it wasn't bad this time, hopefully we didn't scare Noel away! :P On that note of rehearsals; Well, the journey is coming to a close end. One week Monday and its all over! :( Its so nice though having something to look forward to, after this I don't know what I'll do! :/ We worked with orchestra today, it sounds and looks amazing! I cannot w...

The person I admire.

I haven’t been writing very much lately and well that’s because I don’t have all that much to write about and I have been so busy with school and everything but now I have a lot of things to write about and on the top of my list is the person that I admire.   Well for me it’s more the people that I admire because I don’t just admire one I admire two and those two people are the most important people in my life and while they might not be here with me they are still here in spirit.  The two people that I admire are my mam and my granddad. I’ll start with my mam. She was the most amazing mother anybody could ever wish for and I know people say that about their mothers all the time but mine was something different she was something special. She was a one in a kind and since she died my world has not been the same at all. The reasons as to why I admire are: She was the best mother I could have wished for She was strong. She was intelligent. She always did the right t...