
Showing posts from August, 2015


Two and a half years ago I began my journey to corrective double jaw surgery, 18 months of braces pre op and 6 months of braces post op. A correct bite with my top teeth in front of my bottom teeth is what I should have now but I don't. I've written about this before, about how it has been a struggle to get my surgery , how my underbite has been affecting me, damaging my mental health, challenging me everyday but today, although having a breakthrough getting a meeting with a surgeon next week I still feel stuck. You might be questioning why I feel stuck, its just an underbite but its more than that, its the control and power this underbite has over me. People have told me that I need to stop this controlling, I need to move on and get on with my life. So far this underbite has prevented me from perusing interviews to spend my summer working in America, redoing a college placement in order to continue as a community and youth work student, it has completely taken control of my...

Good things come to those who wait

How do you deal with always being let down? How do you deal with people getting your hopes up only to have them destroy them? Do you accept it and move on with your life? Do you fight back even harder than before or do you just give up, finally let them win, let them take every ounce of fight, of drive, of energy that you have and just give up? I have an underbite, that’s nothing new I’ve had it for years I also have braces which were phase one on my journey to corrective double jaw surgery. Most people don’t think it’s a big deal having an underbite and sure why would you? So what if your bottom jaw is out further than your top jaw? Who cares right? Well it’s not about what other people think it’s about you! It’s about how you feel about it. I have been waiting for this surgery for a while now and I have known about it for many years but as I was still growing my treatment couldn’t begin until I was 18 years old. I’m 20 now and have had my braces on for 2 and a half years, I was ...