The other night I was in NUIM for a careers talk to help me to decided what I want to do after school. I decided that I would go to the talk on Paramedics and fire fighters and that I would also go to a talk on medicine. The first talk was amazing but that’s not why I am writing this post. The second talk was about medicine and there were three part to the talk. When we got to the third part to the talk that's when I learned something that I will never forget. We all know that there is a huge stigma attached to mental health but I always thought that health care professions such as doctors were to try and help reduce the stigma. And well now I know that I am wrong. It was near the end of the talk and we were being told about the different parts of medicine and the different specialities that you can go into after you become a doctor. One of the specialities was Physhcarity( I cant spell that but you know what I mean) she h...